Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another well-managed licenced property.

Tenant - occupied house.
Garbage right up against the neighbour's fence.
Peeeee -ewwwww.
And it's what - 27 degrees or so?
Welcome to Waterloo's vibrant neighbourhood, filled with hope and vitality.
Hope for the maggots and raccooons, one supposes.

Ahhh, improved enforcement at work!!!

Cleared up in short order by Waterloo's bylaw officers once a complaint was made. Congratulations for the efficient response. Kudos.
Saturday at noon: garbage day is Tuesday. Is this any way to encourage pedestrians?
Owner-occupants to buy the houses for sale on Albert?
What does the public think when they drive by this today???
Neighbourhood renters don't enjoy this anymore than the home-owners who live nearby.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Now that the warmer weather is here
it brings out the best in this area.
How does this neighbourhood compare
to your neighbourhood ??

Friday, April 10, 2009

Strategic Planning Public Input Session
Saturday April 18/09 1 to 4pm
St. Michael Church
University Ave.