Monday, May 10, 2010

This is the door knocker program going around in the Northdale Neighbourhood. Yes the three girls were dressed like this but a little more on top because of the cold. Now what has more appeal to the student population, this or the door knocker program that the city had done in the past. By the way they seem to have skipped the permanent residents houses. Amazing how they can pick out the student rentals. If you went to this neighbourhood and were to hand out these door hangers, how could you tell permanent vs student occupied residences? Lets hear your responses.


Anonymous said...

As long as it stays in the student ghetto work for me!

Anonymous said...

You're website seems to be full of anti-student propaganda. Quite discriminatory if I say so myself.

How do you know this door hanger wasn't sent out in other places around waterloo other than northdale?

Also, how do we know YOU did not make this story up to push your cause?

Oh and by the way, I saw a broken beer bottle on a sidewalk in my neighbourhood the other day. Whoops, looks like my toddler who wears shoes can't go out in my neighbourhood because no sidewalks are safe.

Oh please.

Anonymous said...

Nobody needs to make things up in Northdale.