Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's been tried besides enforcement. A reply to Erin Epp.

1) Make nice - residents take muffins, butter tarts to newly arrived student neighbours, welcoming them and offering to be available if they have questions about the city, or even about maintaining their homes. (garbage day, etc.)

2) Loan them snow shovels, garden tools, ladders, blue boxes, and more. (sometimes we never see these things again.

3) Residents take in student garbage cans, sweep up broken glass, hose down vomit to keep the neighbourhood looking good and safer.

4) Residents hand out welcome bags - again as a way to introduce themselves to the new neighbours.

5) Residents sit on student/resident interaction committee for years.

6) The door knocker program was done for years - to no avail.

7) Year after year residents hosted the commuity bbq for incoming students - even after it got ridiculous because the neighbourhood was over 80% student occupied and the bbqs led to no improvement in behaviour or quality of life.

8) One member of the neighbourhood sat on the Town and Gown committee until the T/G comm. reorganized and decided they didn't want residents on it anymore. So we lost our input into that committee.

9) The residents lobbied for safer streets for students - that went nowhere - we suggested improved lighting, security cameras (after the severe beatings - 2 of them - at the corner of Albert and University. Again - rejected.

10) Mediation - where permanent residents are asked to sit down with people who break the law to decide to what extend we will allow those people to destroy our quality of life and destroy our propety values. (lawn parking, trespassing, drumming at all hours of the day and night...)

Student tenants turn over way too often for them to care about forming any kind of friendly relationship with their perm. resident neighbours, plus, it must not be overlooked that a lot of the students who choose Northdale over other neighbourhoods do so simply because they believe that they can get away with the very kind of behaviour that makes them bad neighbours and they would never participate in the community building you have spoken of.
Jan D'ailly held 3 meetings that were supposed to be about community building - what came of that?
Plus, it is not absentee landlords screaming as they go though our neighbourhood, and fighting, and puking and breaking glass (all over the Northdale sidewalks) nor trespassing through seniors' properties to get out of crescents because they are too lazy to walk around, nor breaking down fences and hedges to cut through, nor burning mattresses on huge bonfires, nor ripping the doors off their properties to burn in bonfires, nor throwing empty bottles over our fences where they smash on our patios, nor building revolting headless female anatomically correct snow sculptures across from seniors (think grandparents), nor throwing keg parties with hundreds of drunk people at them...Landlords are not the biggest problem in Northdale.
NO amount of "community building" will solve this.

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