Tuesday, September 13, 2011

letter to editor - the Record - Sept. 13, 2011


It is absurd to refuse to change the zoning of the small area in Waterloo bordered by Hazel, Hemlock, Hickory and Balsam streets from single family. There are no schools, nor children in the neighbourhood. The area has not been single family for years, and this has been acknowledged by the city in part by forcing the landlords to build parking lots in the yards of the houses. This has created a situation where the area is becoming less and less visually appealing.

In the areas surrounding these blocks, development has been rapid and constant. I am surprised that there is not more “alarm and uproar” in the city of Waterloo about the actions and inactions of the Waterloo city council.

It seems to me that by artificially manipulating the property values of this neighbourhood the city council is showing considerable bias in decisions.

Waterloo city council is not listening to the residents, nor considering the quality of life in the area, but is apparently intentionally forcing the devaluation of those properties.

This alarming whiff of bias has certainly undermined my trust in municipal politics. I think that it would behoove all of us in the area to pay close attention to the local elections and decision records of our local politicians, particularly since our attention has been on the national and provincial scene for the past couple of years.

Elizabeth Pratt



1 comment:

Nick said...

I don't understand. How does council benefit from devaluing Northdale? By getting kickbacks from Sivon, Inc (who I know is building there)? Your conspiracy theories are just that without meat.

I can't subscribe to posts here because I refuse to use my Great Devil (aka Google) account so I would appreciate an email in reply! Thanks!